Origin Story

Waaaaay back in the day I had a geocities website. It was my first experience with HTML and I loved learning how to put together my site. I also had a Tripod Site. I miss those days! So imagine my surprise when I found Neocities and saw there were a group of people making old skool HTML websites! :D So here I am making one of my own again.

Below is my attempt to get my geocities and other site history down somewhere. I'll likely be cobbling it together from archived sites and other places. Its not going to look very pretty for now, I just want to get all the information down. Will prettify it up at a later date!


1996 (?) First Site

My original Geocities site was located in the Area51/Labyrinth district.

I don't remember exactly when I created it but at a guess I would say 1996 as it was created before a specific event in my life so can't any later. I don't have a screenshot of that earlier version, and it the wayback machine (also founded in 1996) barely existed, so unfortunately I think this version of my site is lost to time. All I remember about it was using some images for a horizontal rule that were crackling fire, and that it was just centered on the page with no tables or css or anything like that.

Geocities Community Leader

During the late 90s to early 2000s, I was a Community Leader at Geocities. I was also a Suburb Co-Liaison for Area 51/Dreamworld for a time. These were unpaid volunteer positions. A comparison might be made that it was similar to a moderator of a subreddit at Reddit, except with a different role.

As a Community Leader, we assisted people with their websites, wrote guides and tutorials, ran webrings for the communities and more. As part of being a Community Leader, I took care of the sites located between 1000 - 1499 in Area51/Dreamworld. What this meant was if you had a geocities site and your url was, for example, Area51/Dreamworld/1320 then you would message me if you needed assistance with your site and I would provide whatever help I could.

1999 Women in Black Webring

In November 1999 I was hosting the Women In Black webring on my Geocities site. It was a webring just for the female Geocities Community Leaders in Area 51. (there was also a Men in Black one for the male CLs) The Women in Black webring was originally created by another CL but I adopted it when they moved onto other things.

1999 - J/C Challenge Page

The first record that the Internet Archive has for my site is from 1999. It was the J/C Challenge page. A site I created as a fan of the Janeway/Chakoty ship, from Star Trek Voyager.

1999 - Queen Arachnia's Lair

In late 1999 I created a site on Tripod for my Voyager fanfic that was themed on the episode of Voyager where Captain Janeway dressed up as Queen Arachnia.

2000 - J/C Fansite

In 2000 I had moved the J/C site to Tripod and it sported a new look and included the original Challenge Centre but also hosted some images (wallpapers, icons), sounds (.wav files), and skinz (for things like winamp) that people could use. As well as a link directory for other related sites and webrings.

2000 - J/C Email Group

This was a site created on Tripod I think. It was home to the JanewayChakotay Egroup (email group). Egroups are what yahoogroups were known as before yahoo bought Egroups. They were email lists that people sent emails to, that would go to everyone in the group. The messages were archived online at the Egroups/YahooGroups website.

2001 - Janeway's Ready Room

In 2001 my Geocities Site was called Janeway's Ready Room.

[more to come]

Wayback Machine Screenshots


[more screenshots to come]

January 17 1999 - A Match Made in Heaven J/C challenge page

November 3rd 1999 - WiB (Women in Black) Webring

June 19th 2000 - J/C challenge center

December 13th 2000 - Queen Arachnia Lair

Queen Arachnia's Fanfic page

December 2000 - J/C Mail Group